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How do customers describe your service?

Updated: Jul 2

My brother and I have this thing called the concessionary hand gesture. One of us forces the other to put it up when we do something dumb.

This is me putting up a concessionary hand gesture.

I met with our marketing team a few days ago to talk about naming. We talked about the customer, value proposition, examples and all that stuff. My concern was that internally and externally we were using different words to describe it.

They said I should talk to my customers and get them to describe it to a friend then to describe what the value was. I was approaching it from the business side instead of the customer side.

It was simple and brilliant. Why didn’t I think of that? Especially since I’m always telling people to focus on the customer first.

Image: Finding one for this post was a bit tricky but who can go wrong with a cute cat like my Howl. Howl and his brother Pazu are named for Miyazaki characters. (Sadly Howl passed away a few years ago)


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