Hallway Studio

Getting things done Part 2: Accept the weird and irrational

If you think saying something smart is all you need to make your idea a reality, you will have a career filled with disappointment and frustration. You need help, money, permission and support and getting it isn’t easy. In Part 1 of Getting Things Done I introduced a framework for driving change when all you […]

Getting things done Part 1: When you don’t have authority

I’ve spent my career trying to get things done or change things with no authority, no budget and no reports. Sometimes you have to make it work when all you have is charm, determination, persuasiveness and wit. Many mentors, managers and friends have helped me develop this framework. I’ve tried to pay that forward by […]

My favorite posts of 2016

2016 was a big year for me. I was asked to lead and transform the Product Consulting team at 3Pillar. It’s been great to bring such a talented, adaptable and fun group of people together and learn from them. Here are a few of my favorite posts from this year: Determining the First Release The […]

When we meet in person, I may not look in your eyes

When I was seven, I passed out. Understandably my parents and doctors were concerned so they ran a battery of tests. Eventually I was diagnosed with ADHD because I didn’t make eye contact with the doctor. Luckily my parents and teachers made sure I got the help I needed to do well in school and business. […]

The problem with big bang design

It starts with a really fancy deck in your inbox. I’ve received these as both an internal head of UX and as a product consultant. The deck is lovely, comprehensive, well written and detailed. It makes be a bit jealous. The problem is that only about 15% of what’s in it will actually be implemented […]

Research vs Experimentation

I’m not much into to fishing but the few times I’ve gone out on a charter with friends it’s been pretty fun. This might be because the captain knows where the good spots are or can find them using fish finder technology. They also know what bait may tempt the fish. When planning new client […]

Why you should use outside product managers

Airplane Wing

Note: This was originally published on the 3Pillar blog and has been republished with permission An engineering candidate asked me why a product development services company like us has product managers. I loved the candor and directness of the question. Here is an expanded version of my answer. Why product management? Increased return on investments […]

Talking planning with Peter Morville

Recently I sat down with Peter Morville to have a fascinating conversation about planning for his new book. Peter is a very accomplished information architect and author of Information Architecture for the World Wide Web, Intertwingled, Search Patterns, and Ambient Findability.  I’m not a born planner, I’m not the kid who color coded their schedule in elementary […]

Conducting great customer interviews (Take 3 podcast)

Interviewing customers is one of my favorite things to do. I like learning about them, their lives and discovering how my clients can help them. Even if that means that what I learn is not what I wanted to. I recently sat down with my colleague Vidhya Sriram to share our interviewing tips. I’ve also […]

10 books to help you make your company and product better

The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses Eric Ries It’s a must read at my company and we’re not alone. Lean Customer Development: Building Products Your Customers Will Buy Cindy Alvarez Cindy’s approach is simple and powerful. I’m such a fangirl that I have a signed copy. Inspired: […]